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(Answered) NURS 6231: HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS AND QUALITY OUTCOMES – Discussion 11 (Grading Rubic and Media Attached)


Discussion: Spreading Innovation

An organization may be generally amenable to innovations but not ready or willing to assimilate a particular [Evidence-Based Practice] EBP …If there is tension around specific work or clinical issues and staff perceive that the situation is intolerable, a potential EBP is likely to be assimilated if it can successfully address the issues and thereby reduce the tension.

—Titler, 2010

Adoption of evidence-based innovations in nursing practice is a critical facet of promoting quality and safety. As a nurse leader-manager, you play a pivotal role in evaluating these innovations and promoting those that will positively impact outcomes.

To prepare:

Review the information on diffusion of innovation presented in the Learning Resources.

Visit the Agency for Healthcare Research and Qualities’ Innovation Exchange website (listed in the Learning Resources). Click on “Innovations & Quality Tools” or “Browse by Subject” then read through a selection of descriptions of innovations.

Evaluate how each of these innovations addresses a problem, and determine if you could integrate the innovation (or a similar one) into your organization or one with which you are familiar.

Select one of the innovations on which to focus for this Discussion. Think about how you might introduce this innovation in your selected organization, and strategies that you might use to facilitate communication and engagement needed to sustain the innovation.

Post a detailed review of one innovation that you found of particular interest on the AHRQ Innovation Exchange. Explain the problem being addressed, the innovation, and the outcomes and how you might introduce a similar innovation in your organization or one with which you are familiar. Outline strategies you would employ to sustain the innovation.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:

Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information or research.

Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives. 

Validate an idea with your own experience and additional resources.

Required Readings

Pedersen, A. R., & Johansen, M. B. (2012). Strategic and everyday innovative narratives: Translating ideas into everyday life in organizations. Innovation Journal, 17(1), 2–18.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article focuses on the implementation process for turning innovations into everyday practice.

Titler, M. G. (2010). Translation science and context. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice: An International Journal, 24(1), 35–55.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

The author examines the challenges of adopting innovations, such as evidence-based practices, and asserts that a systems view is needed to translation science into complex contexts.

Burns, M. J., Craig, R. B., Friedman, B. D., Schott, P. D., & Senot, C. (2011). Transforming enterprise communications through the blending of social networking and unified communications. Bell Labs Technical Journal, 16(1), 19–34.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Social media is a tool for creating and organizing collective knowledge. This article outlines one company’s experience using social media tools as a part of the corporate culture.

Dückers, M. A., Wagner, C., Vos, L., & Groenewegen, P. P. (2011). Understanding organisational development, sustainability, and diffusion of innovations within hospitals participating in a multilevel quality collaborative. Implementation Science, 6(1), 18–27. 

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

The ability to spread knowledge throughout an entire team is paramount in creating a successful team dynamic. This article outlines one study completed in the Netherlands focused on diffusing information and sustaining innovation.

 U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2012). AHRQ health care innovations exchange. Retrieved from

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality website is a clearinghouse for innovative practice within the healthcare field. Review the information on this site as it relates to this week’s focus. (Assigned in a previous week.)

Expert Solution Preview


Adoption of evidence-based innovations in nursing practice is crucial for improving patient outcomes. As a nurse leader-manager, I have a significant role to play in evaluating these innovations and promoting those that will positively impact outcomes. In this discussion, I will review one innovation that I found of particular interest on the AHRQ Innovation Exchange and explain the problem being addressed, the innovation, and the outcomes. Additionally, I will outline strategies I would employ to sustain the innovation.

The innovation I selected from the AHRQ Innovation Exchange is the SBAR Communication Tool. SBAR stands for Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation. The SBAR tool is a standardized format for communicating critical information between healthcare providers, improving interprofessional communication and patient safety.

Problem Being Addressed:

Ineffective communication between healthcare providers can lead to medical errors and poor patient outcomes. SBAR developed as a solution to overcome communication barriers among healthcare professionals. Rapid communication of critical patient information and the seamless transition of care between different providers is imperative in improving patient outcomes.

The Innovation:

The SBAR tool is a concise and standardized tool for communication that provides relevant patient information to healthcare providers. It includes the Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation sections. The Situation section describes the issue and the reason for the call. The Background section includes patient information, such as medical history and medications. The Assessment section presents the healthcare provider’s assessment of the patient’s condition. The Recommendation section provides a suggested course of action for the patient’s care.


The SBAR tool has been found to improve communication between healthcare providers, reducing medical errors, and improving patient outcomes. In one study, the SBAR tool was found to reduce delays in communication by 82%, leading to a significant decrease in the length of hospital stay.

Introducing Innovation in Your Organization:

Introducing SBAR in the organization will require communication and engagement among all stakeholders. First, we will identify the current communication practices in the organization and assess their effectiveness. We will educate staff on the SBAR tool and why it is necessary to improve the communication process between healthcare providers. The organization will also provide training on how to use the SBAR tool effectively. We will conduct regular audits to assess the effectiveness of the SBAR tool and identify areas for improvement, providing prompt feedback to providers. It is essential to engage all stakeholders from the beginning to achieve buy-in, which will lead to successful implementation and long-term sustainability.

Sustaining the Innovation:

It is essential to integrate the SBAR tool into the standard operating procedures of the organization to sustain its use. The organization will need to provide ongoing training to ensure that all staff understands the importance of using the SBAR tool effectively. We will leverage observational data and feedback from providers to identify areas for improvement in communication practices. Additionally, we will make SBAR a part of the organizational culture by fostering a culture of communication and promoting teamwork. Regular audits and feedback will help sustain the SBAR tool’s use and ensure continuous improvement.


The SBAR tool is an innovative solution to improve communication between healthcare providers, reducing medical errors and improving patient outcomes. Introducing and sustaining SBAR in the organization requires buy-in from all stakeholders, ongoing training, audits and feedback, and fostering a culture of communication and teamwork. Sustaining the use of the SBAR tool will require the organization’s commitment and continuous improvement.

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