These case studies are designed to allow a student the opportunity to demonstrate an understanding of the Lean Six Sigma methodology and the use of appropriate tools, sufficient to certify as a Green or Black Belt when they are unable to complete a real project. Green Belt candidates must submit one project or case study in order to certify. Black Belt candidates must submit two projects, two case studies, or one of each. In an attempt to make the case study as near to a real project as possible candidates must submit their answers for a ‘gate review’ at the end of each DMAIC phase, making it clear which specific case study question is being addressed in each case. One of our Master Black Belts will then review the answers and either sign off the phase or reply with comments and a request for resubmission.
Green Belt candidates must answer all the questions marked GB below; Black Belt candidates must answer all the questions, both GB and BB, and should be prepared to answer GB questions at a deeper level to demonstrate Black Belt skills. The case study is designed to enable the use of a wide range of LSS tools but cannot provide all the subtleties and nuisances of a “real project”, and so candidates are encouraged to use their experience and imagination where appropriate (especially when using the softer tools); simply stating any assumptions which are made along the way.
BB10: The Experiment is run and the results recorded in “Airport Hotel Control data V2.xlsx” in worksheet “DOE Results”. Analyse the DOE and make recommendations. NB: As you will be copying the DOE into Minitab you will have to use the “Define Custom Factorial Design” option before you can analyse the Expt. Make sure you enter the Factor Levels exactly as written to avoid an ‘error’ response. *** The team have implemented all of their solutions and have collected data for a month. It can be found in the Airport Hotel Control data2.xlsx.
GB20: Worksheet one (Heating time) contains the time the room needs in order to hit the target temperature for a period of one month after the improvements have been implemented. Is this time stable? GB21: They also make regular temperature readings in the room when the room thermostat is set to 21 °C. This data, alongside baseline data, can be found in the Excel file “Airport Hotel Control Data V2” in worksheet “Room temp at entry”. Is the process capable with respect of the Spec of 21 +/- 1 °C?
Has the average and standard deviation improved with respect to the Baseline? BB11: You monitor the number of complaints, rooms let, and room letting opportunities for the following 90 day period and compare this with the 90 days before the project started.
#Airport #Hotel #Case #Study #Control_questions
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