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(Answered) Describe a system

 Describe a system (object, situation, etc.) whose dynamics could reasonably be modeled as a harmonic oscillator, i.e., by using a second order, constant coefficient ordinary differential equation (with or without some “damping”). In your description, be sure to include the following: a. Convince the reader why the dynamics can be modeled as a harmonic oscillator […]

(Answered) Attack and Penetration Test

 Description Scenario: You are the owner and operator of a small information security consulting firm. You have received a request from one of your clients, Infusion Web Marketing, that you provide a written proposal for performing a penetration test on the company’s production Web servers and corporate network. Environment: Scope Production e-commerce Web application server, […]

(Answered) Operationalize a Policy Statement: Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Tactics

Description The best intended policy statement is only as valuable as its implementation in practice. Using what you have learned so far in School and Community Relations assisted by the steps, descriptions, and driving questions in your last papers , prepare an Operationalized Policy Statement document that includes the following components: A written policy statement, […]

(Answered) Healthcare administration

 Description Submit the name of the country you will be studying as required for your final assignment for instructor approval. Provide 3-5 relevant facts about the country you have chosen. Remember you will need to post a power point of your findings as well as submitting a paper 10-12 pages in length. Final Research Paper […]

(Answered) Crisis in Journalism

Description 1. Critically assess the extent to which there is a ‘crisis’ in contemporary journalism (100 marks) Essay should be 2,500 words. Bibliography and quotes are NOT included in the word count ,USE the following criteria: Structure and Argument Demonstrates an effective structure (introduction, main body, conclusion, referencing in Harvard 6 style bibliography), coherent and engaging […]

(Answered) Climate Change *In South Florida*

 Description Requirements: No less than 1400 words of text, not counting title and reference pages, in APA style. No less than six unique references on the scientific content (Please don’t use class texts, dictionaries, or encyclopedias. Also, you may cite general organizational information from the websites of your three nonprofit organizations, but don’t count general […]

(Answered) Using E-Books in the Teaching and Learn

 Description Develop a template (e.g., a book report guide) for students to use to evaluate an e-book. Develop a lesson based on an e-book. Develop a template of how to evaluate an online reading program. You should keep this in your personal “toolbox” of resources for use later in the course and in the program. […]

(Answered) Business Law and Ethics final

 Description Essay topic: Reflecting on the concepts you have studied in the course, research a company and discuss the legal and ethical issues surrounding it. You will need to research the company through the University library. Your essay should include the following four sections: 1) Identify and discuss two to three specific laws that apply […]

(Answered) Working for living

 Description Article: Nunes, Ashley. (2018, May 18). WestJet’s labour dispute is about expanding union influence, not protecting existing jobs. CBC News. Retrieved from Write your response as if you were writing to a 1st-year university student with little-to-no background knowledge of the topic at hand. Your response should answer the following seven questions: 1. What […]

(Answered) “Nadir”

 Description It is often mentioned that the “Nadir” was a low point in U.S. History, perhaps this explains why the Nadir is often omitted when discussing History. For this assignment, you are required to construct an essay as it relates to the following: Briefly describe the main idea of the Nadir as told by John […]