(Answered) Rudd’s view seems to be that technology providers such as WhatsApp should only encrypt their customers’ communications in a way that gives government authorities access to them, and that it is unethical of them to do otherwise. Is Rudd right?

1. The following news article contains views by the British Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, on encryption, which can be understood as ‘a mathematical technique that prevents a third party from intercepting communication.’ The Guardian — March 2017 Rudd’s view seems to be that technology providers such as WhatsApp should only encrypt their customers’ communications in […]

(Answered) Are companies supposed to be totally honest with their customers?

The research paper should be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman 12-point font, and 1-inch margins on all sides. A cover sheet should be used to identify the title of the paper and the name of the student. A separate “Works Cited” page should be included to identify the bibliography sources for your footnote citations. […]