(Answered) A Hospitality Union Contract Then and Now

A Hospitality Union Contract Then and Now   Written Analysis, Analyze, compare and Contrast the 1946 and 1954 Country Club of Detroit labor Contracts, and the Country club of Detroit labor contracts and the 2016- 2020 collective Bargaining Agreement between the country club of Detroit and Unitehere Local24. Must include: Training, Overtime, Seniority , Work […]

(Answered) HRTM12-204 Contemporary Issues in Hospitality and Tourism Management

Discuss the mix of skills that a member of the executive management team in an international hotel, or other leisure service provider, needs to be effective in the role. Describe a 10-year development program for a young aspiring manager that would help them to develop the essential skills.     Learning objectives: In this exercise […]

(Answered) The reasons behind high employee turnover in the hospitality industry

Research Assignment Objective: Each student will be responsible for researching and writing a paper profiling a sub-topic pertinent to the overall discipline of hospitality management. The objective of this assignment is for the student to develop ideas, research, organize and evaluate information. The students are required to make judgements, develop a point of view, and […]