(Answered) Assignment AMH 2041: Was the motive for Europeans purely economic as historian Eric Williams argued in Capitalism and Slavery or was the motive based more on cultural or ideological reasons (racism)?

Students must write a research paper–using both primary and secondary sources–that answers the following question: One of the major debates among historians concerning the Atlantic Slave Trade focuses on the issue of why Europeans enslaved Africans between the mid 1500’s to the early 19th century. Was the motive for Europeans purely economic as historian Eric […]

(Answered) Choose one area of oppression ( Racism )

You will review various media sources such as the news, commercials, tv shows, movies, music, etc and complete an analysis for elements of oppression. This will require that you expose yourself to several examples of media sources and document examples of stereotypical or demeaning portrayals of minorities or the presence/absence of minority views and images. […]