(Answered) Do you need religion to be a good person?

Use pathos,logos and ethos 1.a title that creatively introduces the topic 2.an introductory paragraph that introduces the the issue and establishes its significance and HOOK the reader 3.a thesis statement that states the writers position 4. argument presented in a logical and effective way and add necessary information 5. include a counter argument 6. clousure: […]

(Answered) According to Emile Durkheim, how does society frame our thought, in particular in reference to religion in terms of totemic principle or god? Also, how does ritual play a role in such framing process?

Begin with a specific sentence that clearly explains what you are going to write about, helping you with the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. A thesis statement is basically the heart of your paper. You need to explicitly say what you would like to argue or claim in your paper. Example: “In this paper […]