(Answered) The book: The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco

Adso’s encounter with the poor girl from the village represents love as experienced by a young medieval monk, thus (perhaps) very different from any love you have ever felt in your own life. Making specific references to Eco’s description of Adso’s love joys and torments (Third Day: After Compline and Night; Fourth Day: Terce and […]

(Answered) Rawi Abdelal, Yoshiko M. Herrera, Alastair Iain Johnston, and Rose McDermott. 2006. “Identity as a Variable,” Perspectives on Politics, 4:4, 695-711.

Analytical summary assignment n Please include the following in your one-page analytical summary of the article that you are assigned to present. n 1) Complete citation information , including full name of the author; title of book; publisher; and date/year of publication. n 2) The author’s research question(s) and main argument(s). n What is the […]