(Answered) The Pacific Air War – 7th December 1941 to 9th August 1945

 Description Please be more specific and use as much citation in essay. Topic Two: The Pacific Air War – 7th December 1941 to 9th August 1945 – The war in the Pacific against Japan was essentially the first ‘air war’ where Allied strategic policy was based on gaining air supremacy in order to bypass Japanese […]

(Answered) Mod 4: Read The Bible- At the end of the nineteenth century, people were reading the Bible differently than they had during the time of the Civil War. What forces in society and the culture at large contributed to this change?

Description Your answer should make at least two specific references to the reading and/or video. But it is not just a recitation of facts from the reading/video but rather a discussion of things such as your opinion of the point under discussion, why you hold that opinion, how you see the point consistent or inconsistent […]

(Answered) Korean War and the Vietnam War

During the Cold War in East Asia, the United States undertook two wars — one in Korea and the other in Vietnam. The alleged purpose of these two wars was to prevent a Communist takeover of South Korea and South Vietnam. Both of these wars were part of a wider American containment policy which had, […]

(Answered) America in Midpassage – Discussion 4 – Fighting Mr. Madison’s War

 Answer the following question using the attached PDF Lecture Slides file and the Chapter 6 PDF files from the book Founding Brothers…..From 2012-2015 America witnessed the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812. Yet unlike the anniversary of the American Revolution or Civil War, Americans did very little to commemorate this conflict. Why would Americans […]

(Answered) Industrial Revolution during World War II

Major innovations during this time period, especially weapons systems for the military (specifically US Army). Background information of what was going on during this time frame. Clear description and explanation of the situation. Interpret advances in technology/weapons systems and how they did or didn’t benefit the military. How it paved the way for future weapons […]

(Answered) Develop: Newspaper ArticleEvaluation Title: Newspaper ArticleKnowing the stories behind the people in World War II, write a newspaper article offrom the perspective of one of the people during that ti

Develop: Newspaper ArticleEvaluation Title: Newspaper ArticleKnowing the stories behind the people in World War II, write a newspaper article offrom the perspective of one of the people during that time. You can choose to write from the perspective of one of the following characters: a German soldier a Japanese-American citizen a Russian soldier an American […]