(Answered) Culture and Ethnic Studies: Paper Assignment, HAVC 30, Western Art

Write a 3-4 page paper (minimum 3, maximum 4, not including images) on the two images above. One the left, the Laussel relief, which dates from around 25,000 BCE; on the right, the so-called ‘Horned God’ from Enkomi, dating from around 1200 BCE. How are they possibly similar and how possibly different in function? We […]

(Answered) Great books understanding-Classics of western thought.

Read the “Lancelot”( Chrétien de Troyes ) and “the song of Roland” in the book Classics of western thought Middle Ages, Renaissance, and reformation by Karl F. Thompson. Write some ideas of the connections between Classics of western thought, confession by St. Augustine and Dante the Divine Comedy. The ideas should be about the relationships […]