(Answered) An infographic showing market, organisational, consumer trends data that shows the market potential for brands to improve their impact on society and the environment.

Task is to choose, after careful thought and research, One market and one ethical issue and, with reference to theories and concepts studied in the module, prepare a portfolio including the following: 1. Annotated examples of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ ethical practice by different brands in your market in relation to your ethical issue (for example […]

(Answered) Part A. Problem Analysis (2) : Infographic

Part A. Problem Analysis (1): Report Must be 3 Pages (without references), Single Spaced, 11 Point Arial Using evidence (e.g., epidemiological data, research studies and other reliable evidence) describe the environmental health problem. For example, who is affected, what is the magnitude of the problem, why is it a problem? Provide a summary of current […]

(Answered) Destination NZ – Data Visualization (Infographic)

Background: The purpose of this assignment is to introduce you to the idea of data visualization as well as the genre of Infographics. Visual communication is an increasingly significant and powerful way to circulate information and make persuasive arguments. In addition, we live in a data driven world, and the ability to present data in […]